Today's Highlights

11 July 2024

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Venue: Tokyo Arts and Space Hongo (2-4-16, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo) トーキョーアーツアンドスペース本郷 (東京都文京区本郷2-4-16) 
Date: 2019.10.12 - 2019.11.10
Time: 11am - 7pm 
Price: Free Admission 

Closed: Mondays (Except 10/14, 11/4), 10/15 (Tue), 11/5 (Tue)

休館日: 月曜日(10月14日、11月4日は除く)、10月15日(火)、11月5日(火)



Co-curation: IP Yuk-Yiu, Hong Kong Arts Centre Curatorial Team (Connie LAM, Gordon LO, Tobias TANG)

Participating Artist: NG Tsz-Kwan (HK), Stella SO (HK), WARE (HK), NAGATA Kosuke (JP), TSUDA Michiko (JP), ITO Ryusuke (JP)


共同キュレーション: イップ・ユック=ユー( IP Yuk-Yiu・香港)、香港アーツセンター・キュラトリアルチーム(Connie LAM、Gordon LO、Tobias TANG)

参加作家: ン・ツー=クワン(NG Tsz-Kwan・香港)、ステラ・ソー(Stella SO・香港)、WARE( 香港)、伊藤隆介(日本)、津田道子(日本)、永田康祐(日本)


Tokyo and Hong Kong both struggle with space issues. In both countries, urban centers must accommodate disproportionately large populations, resulting in buildings growing taller and taller and personal space becoming more and more constricted within public spaces. The concept of “space” itself is open to a wide range of interpretations, spanning from the physical spaces of geography and location to the conceptual spaces of the personal and psychological realms, and even cyberspace. Furthermore, artists construct spaces, in the form of art, which differ from those of the real world in a pursuit to express their own world views.

FALSE SPACES is a cross-cultural exchange and an exhibition initiative aiming to explore the multi-faceted nature of space and its production as seen through the lens of contemporary artists from Japan and Hong Kong, initiated by Tokyo Arts and Space (TOKAS) in collaboration with the Hong Kong Arts Centre and independent curator IP Yuk-Yiu. The exhibition will feature works by six artists/artist unit, including ITO Ryusuke, NAGATA Kosuke, NG Tsz-Kwan, Stella SO, TSUDA Michiko and WARE. Each artist will develop and articulate his or her vision of “false space” through their respective works, exploring the production of space as a form of critical probing and disruptive poetics.

The exhibition will feature a wide variety of artworks that employ different media and materials including 3D scanned and printed objects, animation, driver-less vehicle, digital photography and video installation, communicating the diversity and complexity of spatial practices as seen and conducted by contemporary Japanese and Hong Kong artists. Through the creative showcase of their works, the project intends to facilitate collaboration between Japanese and Hong Kong artists, as well as to present their creative visions and critical propositions to the general audience in order to exchange views and dialogues on the subject of space that sprung from two Asian neighbours.


東京と香港は、その都市部の規模に対する人口の多さに順応するために、建物は上へ上へとせり上がり、公共空間でのパーソナルスペースは狭小化されるなど、空間に対して共通の課題を抱えています。また、空間とは、地理や場所といった物理的状態に加え、私的、心理的な空間、そしてサイバースペースに至るまで、観念的なものも含め様々な解釈が可能な概念です。そしてアーティストは自身が追い求める世界観を表現するために、現実世界とは異なる空間を作品の中に展開させていきます。本展では、日本と香港で活躍するメディア・アーティスト6 組の作品をとおして、さまざまな空間認識を探求していきます。また、会期をとおして日本と香港の互いの交流や対話を促し、2020 年2 月には香港アーツセンターでのトーク・イベントの開催、またその後、展覧会開催を予定しています。

「FALSE SPACES 虚現空間」は、トーキョーアーツアンドスペース(TOKAS)と香港アーツセンターおよびインディペンデント・キュレーターのイップ・ユック=ユーとのコラボレーションによる国際文化交流展です。本展では、伊藤隆介、永田康祐、ン・ツー=クワン(NG Tsz-Kwan)、ステラ・ソー(Stella SO)、津田道子、WARE の6 組のアーティストの作品を紹介し、日本と香港の現代アーティストの目をとおして空間の多面的な性質とその創造について掘り下げます。それぞれのアーティストは、批評的なリサーチと革新的な創作のひとつの形として空間の創造を模索しながら、作品をとおして彼ら自身の「FALSE SPACES 虚現空間」のビジョンを構築し、表現していきます。

本展では、3D スキャンのプリントオブジェ、アニメーション、自動運転装置、デジタル写真とビデオのインスタレーションなど、さまざまな手法や素材を用いた多岐にわたる作品を扱い、現代の日本と香港のアーティストたちが見ているような空間の実態の多様性と複雑さを伝えていきます。このプロジェクトでは独創的な作品の展示をとおして、日本と香港のアーティストたちのコラボレーションを促し、アジアの隣人である両国から生まれた空間というテーマに関する意見交換と対話を目的として、彼らの独創的なビジョンと批評的な提言を紹介していきます。


Click here for the exhibition catalogue.


Organisers:Hong Kong Arts Centre, Tokyo Arts and Space (Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)

Supports: Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Tokyo) Special Administrative Region, Arts Development Fund of the Home Affairs Bureau, the Government of the Hong Kong, DESIGN TRUST, TARO NASU, Kodama Gallery

Production Cooperation: Stratasys Japan Co., Ltd.

主催: 香港アーツセンター、公益財団法人東京都歴史文化財団東京都現代美術館 トーキョーアーツアンドスペース

協力: 香港特別行政区政府 駐東京経済貿易代表部、香港特別行政区政府 民政事務局芸術発展基金、DESIGN TRUST、TARO NASU、児玉画廊

制作協力: 株式会社ストラタシス・ジャパン

FALSE SPACES Hong Kong and Japan Media Art Exchange Project 

2019.09-10 FALSE SPACES Exhibition in Japan2020 Exchange Forum2020.09 End of the Road Extended Exhibition in Hong Kong


Tokyo and Hong Kong both struggle with space issues. In both countries, urban centers must accommodate disproportionately large populations, resulting in buildings growing taller and taller and personal space becoming more and more constricted within public spaces. The concept of “space” itself is open to a wide range of interpretations, spanning from the physical spaces of geography and location to the conceptual spaces of the personal and psychological realms, and even cyberspace. Furthermore, artists construct spaces, in the form of art, which differ from those of the real world in a pursuit to express their own world views.

FALSE SPACES is a cross-cultural exchange and an exhibition initiative aiming to explore the multi-faceted nature of space and its production as seen through the lens of contemporary artists from Japan and Hong Kong, initiated by Tokyo Arts and Space (TOKAS) in collaboration with the Hong Kong Arts Centre and independent curator IP Yuk-Yiu. The exhibition will feature works by six artists/artist unit, including ITO Ryusuke, NAGATA Kosuke, NG Tsz-Kwan, Stella SO, TSUDA Michiko and WARE. Each artist will develop and articulate his or her vision of “false space” through their respective works, exploring the production of space as a form of critical probing and disruptive poetics.

The exhibition will feature a wide variety of artworks that employ different media and materials including 3D scanned and printed objects, animation, driver-less vehicle, digital photography and video installation, communicating the diversity and complexity of spatial practices as seen and conducted by contemporary Japanese and Hong Kong artists. Through the creative showcase of their works, the project intends to facilitate collaboration between Japanese and Hong Kong artists, as well as to present their creative visions and critical propositions to the general audience in order to exchange views and dialogues on the subject of space that sprung from two Asian neighbours.

Open Discussion


Venue: 3331 Arts Chiyoda (6-11-14 Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku)

Date and Time: 2019.11.4 (Mon) 3pm – 4:30pm



ITO Ryusuke, NAGATA Kosuke, NG Tsz-Kwan, Stella SO, WARE,

IP Yuk-Yiu (Curator), Connie LAM (Curator, Hong Kong Arts Centre Curatorial Team)

HATANAKA Minoru (Chief curator, NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC])


Admission Free, no booking required, with Japanese-English interpreter.




会場: 3331 Arts Chiyoda (千代田区外神田6-11-14)

開催日時: 2019.11.4(月・祝)3pm – 4:30pm





畠中 実(NTTインターコミュニケーション・センター[ICC] 主任学芸員)



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