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As If Snowing

Venue: Shouson Theatre, Hong Kong Arts Centre 
Date: 2024.07.12 - 2024.07.21
Time: 12-13, 19-20 July 2024 8:00pm; 14 & 21 July 2024 3:00pm 
Price: $320, $240, $180 
Presented by:City Contemporary Dance Company

Every dimension of experience shimmering and pulsating.



drifting onto the shoulders of time; 

those fleeting moments, moments in wavering prime.

Tenderness carried…


persistence's weight, gentle and bright;

breath, in - out -

tiny and deep, weaving into threads;

taste of life, afterwards,

facing the ever-changings;

a dance of deep echoes,

on snow we tread,

to future we go.


Choreography: Sang Jijia
Music: Dickson Dee
Dramaturgy: Janice POON
Set Design: YUEN Hon-wai
Lighting Design: Lawmanray
Costume Design: Taurus WAH
Sound Design: Anthony YEUNG
Video Design: Adrian YEUNG
Performance: QIAO Yang, LUO Fan, Kelvin MAK


The programme is approximately 65 minutes


This new music work is commissioned by City Contemporary Dance Co. Ltd in 2024 with sponsorship from CASH Music Fund.



Programme enquiry:2329 7803 / info@ccdc.com.hk


Tickets are now available at URBTIX, art-mate & Damai

Purchase through URBTIX

Telephone Booking: 3166 1288

Internet Booking: www.urbtix.hk

Mobile App: URBTIX(Android, HarmonyOS & iPhone/iPad versions)

Ticketing Enquiries and Customer Service: 3166 1100

Internet Booking through art-mate


Internet Booking through Damai


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