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House Music Series - Marstn | Echogram A cappella

Venue: Hong Kong Arts Centre Main Entrance 
Date: 2018.12.21
Time: 18:30 - 19:30 
Price: Free Admission 
Marstn (Acoustic Pop)

Born and raised in Hong Kong, Marstn is an up-and-coming singer-songwriter. Heavily charged with folk and pop elements, his music is often catchy without losing integrity. 

Marstn has stayed very active performing live in the past 12 months. Known for his versatile vocal style and story telling lyrics, the singer-songwriter earned his residency at a local live house in 2018. His lyrics are often found honest and unembellished. With a classic set up of a piano and a mic, the audience is set to feel, and think.


Echogram A cappella

Established in 2017, female A cappella group Echogram manifests a wide range of characters with vitality. The six members come from different backgrounds, yet share the same passion and belief. 

“Echogram” is a process of using echoes to create heart images. It symbolizes our aim to penetrate sincere voices into the hearts of audiences, inducing resonance.
House Music Series - Music on Air!

A continuum of the acclaimed Music Series of 7 years is transforming and way back with a new framing to dedicate for new talents to shine! House Music Series is waiting for you to fill your songs, melody, rhythm and beats, stories etc. in Hong Kong Arts Centre.

Launched in October 2018, this one-year plan will meet you guys twice a month provision of 30 minutes as a part. The format could be whatever you like such as using projector or some more interesting showcase etc.

House Music Series is the perfect platform for young musicians to explore possibilities and interact with devoted music lovers in the city. We sincerely invite you to bring along your original music pieces and share your musical ideas with our guests. As of now, just feel free to send your bio, demo, music videos and links to us, and we will be in touch. Enjoy your showcase!
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