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The HKAC 40th Anniversary flagship exhibition Wan Chai Grammatica: Past, Present, Future Tense —— Fotomo Workshop

Venue: Eric Hotung Studio, LB/F Hong Kong Arts Centre 
Date: 2018.11.03
Time: 1pm - 4pm 
Price: HKD100 per person 

The HKAC 40th Anniversary flagship exhibition Wan Chai Grammatica: Past, Present, Future Tense

Fotomo Workshop 

Engraving the lost past into the 3D World
What happened disappears in a flash, whereas moment can only be stored in memories. If you have never experienced histories, can you recognize the real stories by looking at the old pictures? Veron Sung, a local photographer who studied in UK and France, back to Hong Kong in 2010, found fotomo can capture the history, starting to record the old Hong Kong and her precious culture by fotomo.
Fotomo is a portmanteau of Fotografie (meaning photography in German) and Model. When making a fotomo, you have to turn 2D photo prints of real-world scenes into 3D models, reconstructing the history into reality. In this workshop, Veron Sung will go through the history and the characteristics of Wan Chai district with the participants, teaching them to turn Wan Chai old pictures to a tailor made fotomo. Gathering these fotomos, a mini old Wan Chai will be recreated into reality.
Date & Time: 21/10/2018 (Sun) ; 13:00-16:00
Venue: Room 1604, Hong Kong Arts Centre
Date & Time: 03/11/2018(Sat) ; 13:00- 16:00
Venue: Eric Hotung Studio, LB/F Hong Kong Arts Centre
Capacity: 15 people per session
Price: HKD100 per person
Conducted in Cantonese

Click here for the information on Wan Chai Grammatica: Past, Present, Future Tense

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