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The glass of timeless echo

Venue: Shouson Theatre, Hong Kong Arts Centre 
Date: 2024.04.06 - 2024.04.07
Time: 6 Apr 2024 3pm; 6 - 7 Apr 2024 8pm 
Price: $280, $220, $180 
Presented by:MW dance Theatre Ltd 

This work is a brand new work by MW, developed from the commissioned work "The Year of Dangda" by the Macao Cultural Center and the Hong Kong Arts Festival from 2021-2022. It tells the story of a man who goes through the transition period of "The formidable Years "

and also experiences compromise and acceptance in "Dance me to the end of the night ". By chance, he finishes his last drop of wine at a bar, looks at an empty cup, and recalls past scenes. Everything is like rewinding... The work useing the dance theater style to overlap reality and illusion, presenting a disconnected but related temporal and spatial sequence. The man's memories run parallel to what happened in reality, We can all see a certain side of ourselves inside.。

Are we sober and drunk, or do we seem to be drunk and still wake up



Programme enquiry:mwtheatre21@gmail.com /85253359001


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