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Galaxias Heritage Heroes Art Exhibition - Millennia-Spanning Dialogue: Captain America in Bronze

Venue: Diana Cheung Experimental Gallery 
Date: 2024.05.19 - 2024.05.29
Time: 10:00 - 19:30 
Price: Free Admission 

You are cordially invited to a dialogue that spans across a thousand years. Witness the unveiling of the apex of modern art at the Galaxias Heritage Heroes Art Exhibition - Millennia-Spanning Dialogue: Captain America in Bronze.

Leaving an enduring legacy that captures the essence of the present is Galaxias’ vision. Share in this future by visiting the exhibit at the heart of artistry and passion, the Hong Kong Arts Centre.

Let the echoes of our cultural heritage resonate from the past, amplified by the present and traverse through the years to the future generations to hear.

Humans have long been plagued with two fundamental questions: Where do we come from? And where are we headed? Yet, when we can’t find the answers, perhaps it's time to focus on the present. In collaboration with the most influential IPs, Galaxias takes a unique approach to examining cultural phenomena, crafting astonishing artworks.

Today, we are proud to present Marvel's first-ever life-size bronze statue—a masterpiece that goes beyond art, offering a chance to dance with legends.

Galaxias' vision extends beyond the constraints of time and space, aiming to showcase current cultural trends and intellectual waves for the future to behold. This artwork serves as a testament to heritage and bears witness to an unspoken dialogue with the heroes of the past, igniting courage and belief. Together, let us traverse millennia, co-creating a brilliant future, and embracing the eternal spirit of heroism. This is the noble mission embraced by Galaxias — Dialogue across a thousand years…



Website: https://galaxiashk.com/

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