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Maestro Art Grand Student Concert

Venue: Shouson Theatre, Hong Kong Arts Centre 
Date: 2024.02.16
Time: 16 Feb 2024 7:30pm 
Price: $300 
Presented by:Hong Kong Youth Orchestra

This is a wonderful performance organized by Maestro Art School of Music, aiming to showcase the musical talents and artistic achievements of our students. This music concert will present a variety of musical performances, including ensemble, children’s choir and orchestra performances.

 At this concert, you will have the opportunity to appreciate the exquisite skills and touching performances presented by our students after long-term efforts and training. They will perform classic musical works, demonstrating their understanding and expression of music. Whether it is beautiful melodies or passionate rhythms, they will make you intoxicated and feel the charm of music.

We sincerely invite you to participate in this student music concert, enjoy the charm of music with us. Let us applaud and cheer for the students' efforts and achievements, and encourage them on their musical journey! Let music become the resonance of our hearts, bringing us beautiful memories and emotions
Programme enquiry:28661488 / zoie.cheng@maestro-art.com



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