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Banana Effect - Game of Life II

Venue: L/B, Hong Kong Arts Centre 
Date: 2019.11.16 - 2019.11.17
Time: 2019-11-16 ( 1:00PM, 3:30 PM , 7:00 PM) ;2019-11-17 ( 3:00 PM) 
Price: $220(Single Ticket) / "Late Night Series: Art X Fantasy"Bundle Available! 

*16 Nov

由於公眾事故關係,我們考慮到交通情況及觀眾安全因素,原定於11月16日的《Game of Life II: 你說謊?我淡忘…》潛入式劇場演出,晚上2130場次將會取消

如有任何查詢,歡迎致電25820272 或電郵至cwang@hkac.org.hk / jwong@hkac.org.hk,敬希垂注。


“Game of Life II” by Banana Effect

Welcome to the year of 2069. This is an era where only black and whit exist, where creativity is a long lost memory. In this 60-minute journey, you are secretly invited to join the game and tour around the deserted basement at the Hong Kong Arts Centre. You will experience spontaneous decision-making process. Inside the theatre, and the essence of human nature is reflected in every step of the game.

This project is kindly supported by the Hong Kong Arts Centre – Cultural Masseur Collective Creativity Awards.

Banana Effect
我們致力推廣潛入式劇場(Immersive Theatre)的表演及教育,透過帶領觀眾「潛入」故事的世界,激發我們的感觀細胞。我們認為環繞身邊的具體空間和心靈的空間是相連的,而觀眾在潛入式劇場(Immersive Theatre)中須要以第一身視角去觀看故事,並會自由地在劇中游走,觀眾可以自主地選擇觀看的距離和角度,從而重新訓練人們對實體空間和心靈空間的敏感度。
除了於香港演出外,我們亦曾於多個不同的國家作交流及表演,近期的製作有於美國演出的Never Stand Still。

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