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Creators for Tomorrow Scheme 2020【Open Call—Result Announcement】

Date: 2021.03.26 - 2021.05.26

【 Result Announcement 】

Hong Kong Arts Centre is delighted to announce the four selected applicants of the ‘Creators for Tomorrow Scheme 2020 (Open Call)’: EPICAL CHAMBER (Themed group exhibition), LAU Ho Lam (Solo exhibition), Connie LO Ho Yee (Solo exhibition), TANG Kwong San and YUEN Nga Chi (Themed group exhibition).

The four proposals were selected from over 100 applications by the jury made up of Artist Samson YOUNG, Curator KWOK Ying, and three representatives from Hong Kong Arts Centre. The four selected applicants will be awarded up to HK$60,000 for executing their proposal projects. All projects should be carried out in 2021/2022. Hong Kong Arts Centre sincerely thanks all parties who made submissions, the jury and the sponsor for their participation in this Scheme.

‘Creators for Tomorrow Scheme 2020 (Open Call)’ is a new initiative launched by the Hong Kong Arts Centre (HKAC) with an aim to encourage and support Hong Kong emerging artists and curators who are attempting to launch a professional career in arts to gain practical experiences by actively involving in programme planning, creations, and execution.
To nurture local up-and-coming artists and curators, HKAC is now accepting proposals for solo exhibitions or themed group exhibitions of various contemporary art forms and disciplines (Visual Art, New Media Art, Comic Art, Sound Art and Cross-disciplinary Arts) at the HKAC Experimental Gallery (3F, HKAC). Successful applicants will be awarded up to HK$60,000 for their proposed projects. All projects should be carried out in 2021/2022.
• Applicants who have recently completed a course or formal training in the arts, or have a demonstrated, consistent studio practice outside an academic setting.
• Each applicant/project personnel must be Hong Kong residents with valid HKID, and aged 18 or above at the time of application.
• Each applicant may submit one application only.
• Each applicant/project personnel can be involved in one application only.
• Extra consideration will be given to those in the beginning stages of their professional careers.
• Extra consideration will be given to applicants submitting applications for their first solo exhibition/curatorial project.

How To Apply

• Online Application Only ( APPLY HERE )
• Complete the online application form
• Upload the Exhibition Proposal (One single PDF document, file size within 10MB):
  1. Curatorial statement and background (max. 600 words in English or 900 characters in Chinese).
  2. List of proposed works with brief descriptions. (max. 150 words in English or 200 characters in Chinese for each work).
  3. Images of the proposed works. For video works and other time-based media works, please provide a URL link to the samples (max. 5 minutes per work).
  4. For new works, please provide a sketch or draft of the work.
  5. CV / portfolio of the participant(s) (max. 2 pages for each person).
  6. Budget plan stating income and expenditures.
  7. A floor plan of the proposed exhibition.
  8. List of events and public programmes (if applicable).
  9. A URL link to other supporting documents (if applicable).
• Applications should be written in English or Chinese.
• Late submissions or submissions made through other channels will not be processed. Applications with incomplete information will not be considered.

Application Deadline

27 November, 2020 (HKT)


• Application Guidelines
• Experimental Gallery Floor Plan


Email: CFT@hkac.org.hk

What's On
4/F, Hong Kong Arts Centre  
2022.05.25 - 2027.05.27
Public Arts
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Public Arts
2022.11.01 - 2024.11.30