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Cultural Masseur: Talking Heads #07 – Art X Resilience and Social Change

Venue: Zoom Online Workshop 
Date: 2021.01.15
Time: 19:00-20:15 
Price: Free of charge 
"The seventh programme of “Culture Masseur: Talking Heads” is “Art X Resilience and Social Change”, led by Hong Kong interdisciplinary artist Kingsley Ng, in response to the unsettling emotions in the current city. The artist and his students from the Academy of Visual Arts of Hong Kong Baptist University will hold several creative workshops to get through the hard times together. Art might indeed be the medicine to heal our broken bodies and souls.

5.12.2020 (Sat) 11:00-13:15
【Online Experiential Workshop I 】《Available Light: Exploring Arts and Resilience in Challenging Times》

An interactive workshop with Canadian art and social change leaders Professors Michelle LeBaron and Judith Marcuse

Art enlivens, inviting us into new relationships with each other, ourselves and our environments. When social change is rapid and pervasive, art practices give us ways to navigate differences, and help us see connections even amongst disagreement. This online workshop will engage participants in activities and dialogue to explore how creative and expressive activities help build resilience, especially across generations. With examples from Canadian and global projects, Michelle and Judith will share research and practice on the many ways that arts foster hope, seed possibility and foster positive community change.

With simple and playful inquiry using images and words, we will explore together how arts energize and empower communities to come together about what matters to them. Please bring yourselves, your curiosity, and your willingness to listen to others, and come prepared to be surprised and to enjoy a creative break from routine.

Kingsley Ng (Inter-disciplinary artist and designer)
Dr. Judith Marcuse (Founder and Co-Director, International Centre of Art for Social Change)
Professor Michelle LeBaron (Professor of Law, University of British Columbia, Canada)

15 Jan 2021 (Fri) 19:00-20:15
【Online Experiential Showcase II -《c / o》Interactive Workshop】
《c / o》is an interactive showcase organized by students from the Academy of Visual Arts of Hong Kong Baptist University, mentored by Mr. Kingsley Ng, Mr. Peter Benz, and Dr. Evelyn Kwok of the Academy.
《c / o》stands for “care of”, a site/event to provide participants with “care recipes” for challenging times, commonly used to indicate a mail that is to be delivered to an addressee where they don't normally receive correspondence, may also stand for caring support in times of separated togetherness.
Join the online session by choosing a set of recipes that appeals to you, follow the instructions, experience, engage, and build up resilience for yourself and with others. The workshop will be held on 15 Jan at 6 pm through Zoom. Mark your schedule and don’t miss this meaningful workshop.
Remember: stand together, support each other, stay safe, and stay strong.
Conducted in English via Zoom. Free admission, first come-first served. Registration by 13 Jan.
Registration: https://guidedtour.typeform.com/to/oOYElajl
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