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Hong Kong Art School / RMIT University – Closer Together

Venue: Pao Galleries, Hong Kong Arts Centre (4-5/F, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong) 
Date: 2024.01.02 - 2024.01.28
Time: 10am – 8pm 

Exhibition Statement

Closer Together reflects on the 25-year cross-cultural relationship between the Hong Kong Art School and RMIT’s School of Art. This is proudly one of their longest running transnational educational partnerships, an on-going relationship that has grown a community through the exchange of artistic, creative and material knowledge.

The Chinese classic text the Tao Te Ching suggests that the world is made up of what we know and what we do not know, which are ultimately the same. Closer Together proposes that togetherness, creative dialogue and art-making can help us understand this — that through these processes we can come to better know the mysteries of the unknown.

The experience of gaining knowledge that was originally hidden is enlightening, and it alters the way we perceive the world. This exhibition shines a light on 15 artists from the Hong Kong Art School and RMIT community whose works celebrate connectivity and kinship and uncover new knowledge through exchange.

Rewinding the spectacular Opening Ceremony of the exhibition "Closer Together"

Interview with the Curator & Artists of “Closer Together”

Hong Kong Art School / RMIT University – Closer Together
Exhibition Period: 2 Jan – 28 Jan 2024
Time: 10am – 8pm
Venue: Pao Galleries, Hong Kong Arts Centre (4-5/F, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Road, Wan Chai)(Please enter via 5/F using the lifts)
Artists: Kay Mei Ling Beadman | Movana Chen | Ryan Christopher Cheng | Kris Coad | Carolyn Eskdale | Daphne Alexis Ho | Jaffa Lam Laam | Ivy Ma King Chu | Sally Mannall | Drew Pettifer | Kate Siu Man Kit | Scotty So | Tang Kwong San  | Fiona Wong Lai Ching | June Wong Siu Ling

Curators: Shirky Chan | Rachel Cheung | Tammy Wong Hulbert

5 Jan 2024 (FRI) 6:30pm

Talk – Exposing Masculinity: Performing Gender and Sexuality in East Asia
13 Jan 2024 (SAT) 11:30am – 1pm
Speakers: Assoc. Prof. Drew Pettifer (Program Lead, BAFA, RMIT University School of Art) & Mr. Joseph Chen (Director of Culture, Eaton HK)
Language: English

Curatorial Walk-Through
13 Jan 2024 (SAT) 7pm – 8pm
Speaker: Dr. Tammy Wong Hulbert (Senior Lecturer & International Co-ordinator, RMIT University School of Art)
Language: English

Curatorial Walk-Through
20 Jan 2024 (SAT) 4:30pm – 5:30pm
Speaker: Ms. Rachel Cheung (Lecturer & Programme Coordinator, Hong Kong Art School)
Language: Cantonese

On-site (Invisibility Cloak) Making
20 Jan 2024 (SAT) 11am – 7pm
Speaker: Kay Mei Ling Beadman
Language: English

Artist Dialogues
27 Jan (SAT) 3pm – 6pm (45mins per pair, break inclusive)
Fiona Wong Lai Ching & Ryan Christopher Cheng (Conduct in English)
June Wong Siu Ling & Tang Kwong San (Conduct in Cantonese)
Daphne Alexis Ho & Kate Siu Man Kit (Conduct in Cantonese)
Jaffa Lam & Kay Mei Ling Beadman (Conduct in English)


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