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Peer to Peer: UK/HK - Ways of being together

Venue: https://peertopeerexchange.org/ 
Date: 2022.09.26 - 2022.10.09
Price: Online Exhibition. Free Admission.  

Peer to Peer: UK/HK 2022 is a collaborative programme connecting visual artists and arts organisations across the UK and Hong Kong.

Peer to Peer: UK/HK 2022 aims to encourage meaningful cultural exchange and forge enduring partnerships between the UK and Hong Kong's visual arts sectors.

To celebrate the culmination of the programme of international exchange and collaboration, we invite you to join us in an online festival from 26th September - 9th October 2022. 


Ways of being together


Castlefield Gallery and Hong Kong Arts Centre (HKAC) are working together to co-present the work of six artists: online on the Peer to Peer: UK/HK 2022 festival website and through two live events in Manchester (8 Sep) and Hong Kong (16 Sep).

The artists have been put into pairs and invited to get to know each other's work. During the two live events the artists who will be physically present in their home cities, will stand in for those that are absent. in an attempt to embody their work for the audiences. The aim of this project is also to help the artists explore ways of contextualising and communicating their work to a distant audience and to explore ways of connecting, exchanging and being together - on and off screen. 


Artists & their works


Omid Asadi and Karen Yu (click to check out their artworks) 

Omid Asadi and Karen Yu have opened a dialogue over the internet discussing the benefits and possibilities, but also the limits and problems, of translation. Sharing readings and recordings of poems and literature in their native languages (Persian and Cantonese) and also in English, the language in which they primarily communicate. The performances at Castlefield Gallery and HKAC involve them interacting with pre-recorded material, manipulated video, animation and audio. 


Scuffle Tussle Struggle (2022) by Omid Asadi (Manchester)

Video of performance, filmed by and photographed by Jules Lister

Courtesy of the artist



The Wind is Unseen (2022) by Karen Yu (Hong Kong)

Percussion & Spoken Words Music performance

Courtesy of the artist



what is being amplified does not traverse an ocean of ears.


what is defined is only an interpreted scene.


“the wind is unseen” is about the compromises and struggles we face while being in the crack between our mother tongues and working language. This interspace is portrayed through recitations and amplified sounds.


John Powell-Jones and Kong Kee (click to check out their artworks) 

John Powell-Jones and Kong Kee share an interest in cyberpunk aesthetics and the power of speculative fiction to inform and expand our understanding of the present. John Powell-Jones’ work is informed by the ways in which dominant ideologies and power structures influence our perceptions of reality. In particular, how the warped western view of progress and success affects our understanding of morality. In Dragon Delusion (2019-) Kong Kee Imagines a world where ancient Chinese emperors discovered the secret to immortality and now cyborgs and sentient robots live among us; reflecting  on what effect that might have on our understanding of humanity and the future. After sharing their work with each other Atamur, an avatar that recently appeared as the central character in Powell-Jones’ Web Wide World comic and interactive art work has found its way into the world of Kong Kee’s Dragon Delusion. Another of Kong Kee’s character’s George has also taken on Atamur’s appearance.  


Time Tangle (2022) by John Powell-Jones

Video work, courtesy of the artist



Atamur, an avatar that recently appeared as the central character in Powell-Jones’ Web Wide World comic and interactive art work has found its way into the world of Kong Kee’s Dragon Delusion. 


Web Wide World (2022) 

Game, artwork, story and audio by John Powell-Jones

Technical development by John Howes

Courtesy of the artist


George (2022) by Kong Kee

Video work, image courtesy of the artist



Kelly Jayne Jones and Lazarus Chan (click to check out their artworks) 

Kelly Jayne Jones and Lazarus Chan have been creating digital avatars exploring the possibilities of connecting people with new technologies and shared digital spaces. At HKAC, Chan presents a performance in dialogue with these avatars. At Castlefield Gallery, Jones delivers an immersive performance with sonic elements; considering morphic resonance theory and the potential for actions, no matter how small, to have repercussions and connect us across the globe. 


#restoration of animism// ·^6th mass extinction~< (2022) Kelly Jayne Jones



The film #restoration of animism// ·^6th mass extinction~< (2022) was included as part of a performance by Jayne Jones that took place at Castlefield Gallery on September 8th (The film was made with Kevin Craig, a Manchester based artist, designer, animator and lecturer at MMU) 


Metahuman Lazarus (2022) by Lazarus Chan



Inmost Zoom (2022) by Lazarus Chan

Inmost Zoom is a spoken words performance along with an interactive device. The work resembles an online video conference environment together with all participants in the meeting being the artist himself. Echoing how gathering places transformed and imitate the disconnection between people during the pandemic. 

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