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A Test of Time

Venue: 4 & 5/F Pao Galleries, Hong Kong Arts Centre  
Date: 2024.05.24 - 2024.05.29
Time: 24 - 28 May 2024 11am - 7:30pm; 29 May 2024 11am - 4:00pm 
Price: Free Admission 
Presented by: StudioRay
Centered around the theme of "time," the exhibition features artworks by twenty-five artists. Utilizing ink as the primary medium, the artists offer their interpretations and insights into this traditional art form within a modern framework. By pushing the boundaries of ink usage in a multidimensional approach, the exhibits stand out as unique, thought-provoking, and refreshing.
“From Lost to Lots”Symposium
Date and Time: 26th May 2024 4pm - 5:30pm
Venue: Louis Koo Cinema, Hong Kong Arts Centre


Raymond Fung | Renowned Artist and Architect


Guest Speaker:

Felix Kwok | Head of Modern Art, Asia, Sotheby's

Janet Fong | Research Assistant Professor of Academy of Visual Arts - HKBU

Eve Tam | Deputy Director (Culture) of LCSD

Brian Wong | Assistant Professor in Philosophy at the University of Hong Kong
Free Admission

Symposium Registration: https://forms.gle/VSaj35QrA6GtHFSw5

What's On
4/F, Hong Kong Arts Centre  
2022.05.25 - 2027.05.27
Public Arts
2022.11.01 - 2024.11.30
Public Arts
2022.11.01 - 2024.11.30