Annabelle is an extraordinarily musically talented student who lives with her loving adoptive parents. She and her classmates received an offer to attend a music camp hosted by a far-famed musical college.
Everyone is looking forward to travelling to the States and improving their musical skills. They had strong rivals from other schools who are aggressive and destructive. Under these competitive circumstances, these students created drama and relationships in the camp.
The musical connects people with teenage struggles, parent-child relationships, the unknown future, the definition of success, and an understanding of the world, relationships and ourselves. Encountering different difficulties and challenges, Annabelle and her friends undergo an emotional rollercoaster. She wishes to seek answers from her guardian angel. But, who is her guardian angel?
"Annabelle: Guardian Angel" is the sequel to "The Miracle of Music", a musical about the growing up of Anabelle with a group of friends. We may grow up in different environments, and face various difficulties, fears, and failures, but in the end, light and love will guide us through.